Holy Playroom Batman!!! I know its a stretch! But how can you write a super hero post without using a Holy Something Batman exclamatory??
Anyway, I finally got motivated enough to clean this room up and get some shots of it this morning. When we moved into this house almost two years ago we assumed that since we had the space it would be best to set up a bedroom for each of our boys. We had come from a two bedroom town house and thought they would enjoy having their "own" space. Um... not so much. Since we've lived here I am sure I could count on one hand the number of times they've slept in separate rooms.They actually love sleeping in the same bed! So a few months ago I started really wondering why we were using a whole room for a bedroom when no one wanted to sleep there.
I have wanted to do a superhero themed playroom for the boys for a while. I had originally planned on doing it in our unfinished basement. Then it dawned on me! Duh! (I'm kinda slow like that) We could rearrange the boys furniture so they could share a bedroom and move most of the toys to the other room for a playroom. They were on board immediately!
This is the best before picture I could find. The boys' beds are actually my husband's bunk beds from when he was little. Now that they are older we thought they were ready for us to bunk them. So we did and moved them to the other room. (If I get enough energy later this week maybe I'll blog that room.)
I switched around the furniture quite a bit and moved their train table up from the basement. They got this super cool Batman Geo Trax train set for Christmas this year. I decided to paint the table to look more like a bat cave. Black with yellow cubbies.
I was able to reuse a lot of the decor I made for the Super Hero Party back in August for this room, which made me SO happy. It was a lot of work and I'm glad it wasn't just for one day!
Those reused items include the comic book bunting and the cardboard box city scape. Just cardboard boxes black wrapping paper and card stock! We just happened to have the perfect little ledge in this room for displaying them. And since they are not super sturdy it is an added bonus that they are well out of the boys' reach!
I was also able to hang the framed comic book pictures from the party. The clock was a clearance purchase from Target. It was under $3.00. The other picture is actually made from that little fire truck canvas you can see next to the bed in the before picture. I painted it a dark grey and Mod Podged a map cut from a book. Then my mom had some scrapbooking letters and we used them to write "Time to save the world".
These frames were in the boys' rooms before as well. I just put new pictures in a couple of them. I painted the large one with chalk board paint so I could write fun hero quotes on it!
I got the idea for these bins from Sugar Tot Designs. I didn't' realize until they were done that my Super Man logo is in the wrong color. Maybe I'll fix it..... someday!
The lamp was in here before but it needed a new lampshade. I bought a cheap drum shade from Target and went to town with a sharpie. Clearly I am a natural born artist! ;)
I found these cute prints on Etsy from TheRekindledPage. I had a hard time choosing just two. She had so many fun pictures!
I have seen both of these signs floating around Pinterest and decided to make my own version. The brother sign is canvas and my mom and I used her cricut to cut the letters out of old comic books and Mod Podged them on.
Simple command hooks hung at kiddo level keep their capes available at all times!
And just because it is fun here are a couple of pictures of the batman train set. Not gonna lie... this one makes it easy to get down on the floor and play with the boys!
Have a Super week!
Ok, Ok I am done with the cheesy jokes now. Probably!
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This. Is. Awesome. Makes me want a house full of little boys!
ReplyDeleteOh my stars above, I love it. That 'pow' lampshade is adorable.
ReplyDeleteThe room turned out great. My boys would have love a room like this when they were littler.
ReplyDeleteI have given you the Versatile blogger award and would love for you to check it out.
Jeanna @ dramaqueenseams.com
My boys are looking at this with me asking if we can go to that house and play, haha! It turned out really cute :)
ReplyDeleteThis is an adorable room - I just love it!!! Great job!
ReplyDeleteWhat an adorable space!! I love all the little things :) I am your newest follower.
ReplyDeleteLove the "Time to Save the World" wall, your idea inspired me to create a similar one in my son's superhero bedroom!
ReplyDeleteI have a question about your superhero room. Can you please email me at kelly.ladd@bonniercorp.com? I can't find your email address/contact me link on your blog.
Hi!!!! This is KellyLoves again. I was hoping you could email me. I work with Parenting magazine and I have a question for you.
This is sooo cute! Love that little lamp. Great job girl!
ReplyDeleteSaw your lamp on pinterest, the whole room is amazing!