I love to travel. I grew up in a family blessed enough to have the opportunity to go many places and see many new things. I hope to share with you all some of the HILARIOUS stories that have come with these family travels. But that is another blog for another day. We were not the family, however, that took vacation in order to relax. In fact, I am pretty sure my father could not define the word relax if his life depended on it. (Love you dad!) We took vacations to explore and see and do as much as humanly possible for a family of five. It was tons of fun, but we usually all returned from "vacation" needing a vacation. You know what I mean. The point of this rant is that the first time I heard the term "staycation"... well first I thought "what the what is that??? I'm a little slow like that. But then I thought, "Who would use well earned vacation time to just stay home?" Until now. We are on our second day of our first ever family "staycation" and I have to tell you, I am loving it. No packing scramble, no kids off schedule (as if we are that kind of family), No worrying about your kids crawling around on nasty hotel carpet!! (Is that just my paranoia?) We lazed around in our pajamas until 10:00 am. We introduced our children to Mary Poppins via movies on demand. We are just
releaxing and enjoying time together as a family. My favorite activity from day one was Smooth Talker's idea, that we make a baloon that looked like each of us. Where does he come up with this stuff? Well, luckily the hubs is so good and creative when it comes to doing stuff like this with the boys. I stayed where I belong.... behind the camera. Anyone who knows me, knows I have no business trying to draw anything that is supposed to look like anyone!!! Here are a few shots of staycation day one.
"Hmmm how exatly do I draw your nose?" |
drawing daddy's hair |
practicing his writing.... on a baloon Never miss a learning opportunity!! |
a perfect likeness |
a family full ofg hot air! |
rare, but sweet brotherly moment |
Smooth talker modeling the outfit he chose himself.... seriously!! |